Jul 23, 2004 23:34
after working from 11-3 at the market, i go to my second job at Illianos. i had been there probably like 2 hours and i was standing there counting to myself how many hours were left of the shift, when all of a sudden a co-waitress starts yelling "LEONARDO! LEONARDO!! Stop him..(or something else in spanish)" and then utter confusion and chaos takes place. I look up and see this scruffy white guy, probably like 40 or 30 just like breezing out the door, not really even running. So then all the male employees and a customer start running after him, and i putz over to the side door to witness all of this. while i was putzing over a highly attractive (get to that later..) male employee comes up behind me, and is like "exscuse me," and moves me out of the way- therefore i delayed him like a second or 2 from chasing the thief, and it all happened so quickly that this was long enough to make a difference from catching the guy to letting the guy get away. So then i see the thief get into this red car, that like pulled up like it was all choreographed and planned down to the second, and they speed off. so i kinda initially felt bad for standing in front of the gorgeous boy and delaying him from stopping the criminal. but the police caught the guy. .. yea so a few hours later officer Mike Fedor, (remember that guy? the substitute?!) yea well he comes and gets me and the beautiful guy (Jose is his name) to identify the thief. We got to ride in the police cruiser. We slowly drove by the guy with a light in his face so that we could see him but he couldnt see us. so we could identify him without risk of being endangered later. So Mike Fedor drove us back to Illianos and took a statement from both Jose and I. and i have a copy of it to prove it to you.
But the story about this Jose kid is also amusing. I had been at work like a half hour and i see this guy walk in and i was like floored by his looks, and i was just hoping that he worked here. So then i ask one of the other waitresses who he is, and then this other waitress comes up next to us and is like "He's my husband." AHHAHAHAHAHAHA. how fucking good is that. She's quite unattractive, but they're like my age, so i'm like wtf? of course the only reasonable explanation is that they've had a kid together, and yes they did. So i guess that stops my plans for Jose and I. i'm not a home wrecker ;).