It is time! 

Nov 21, 2006 17:52

I have noticed that my last post was over a year and a half ago, and I think enough has happened lately to justify an update. Since there has been both wonderful things happening as well as horrible drama, and, as others have already posted their version of the drama, I have decided to make the public part of the post nothing but the good stuff. Behind the LJ cut at the end of that will be more of a rant on the not so pleasant stuff. That way, anyone that wants to steer clear of my drama has the ability to do so. Which brings us to what I’m going to call:

Being for the benefit of Mr. Kent.

First exciting thing: 
I have been working at BLT (a film & television advertising company) for almost a year now. About three months ago, I began to dip my toes into the writing department. I began writing copy (the taglines on the posters i.e. “ In space no one can hear you scream”) for a movie called Disturbia. From that, the other copywriters began to ask for my help on several different movies and TV shows. 
After a little while, I was asked to work on one of the movies included in the Horror Movie Festival (the posters of demons lying on partially naked girls are everywhere). The movie is called the Hamiltons, and after a few drafts, I wrote something that pleased both the execs at BLT as well as the client. So now, after only a few months of writing copy, I have been published. 
You can see the poster, as well as the trailer for the movie at:

In case you have a phobia about bloody naked girls in bathtubs, the copy that I wrote was “THEIR LOSS IS YOUR PAIN”

Second exciting thing: 
After a phone call from my best friend last Wednesday, I learned that people were already lining up for the brand new Playstation 3. So, with Amy in tow, I drove around to every Best Buy, Circuit City, and Target in our area in search of a store that DIDN”T already have a line of people out in front. We drove to four different Targets, a Best Buy, two Circuit Cities, and a Fry’s before we ended up in Burbank at a Target that didn’t have a line. I went in and found out that they had been telling everyone that the line would start the next day at 3:00 pm. Before I left, I noticed a manager talking to two guys that looked like gamers. I followed them for a bit before overhearing the manager say something about giving up and just starting the line. I followed closer and wound up in line with Amy. Holding a place for Logan, we were numbers 4, 5 and 6 in the line. The time was 7:30 pm Wednesday. The Playstation 3 came out 8 am Friday morning. 
Logan and I waited in that line with a rotating third person for just over 36 hours. Two freezing cold nights, one long boring day, multiple arguments, very little sleep, very little food, and news about fights, riots, and a shooting in Connecticut for the PS3. And after all of that, I walked away with a PS3 that I paid $600 for, and another PS3 that Logan is going to sell on Ebay (where the PS3 has been going for around $2000 each). The money we make from that sale will pay for all three PS3’s as well as a couple of games and an extra controller, and hopefully a little bit extra for our time. So now I am the proud owner of a PS3. I know, I’m a huge dork, but at least I am a huge dork with a PS3.

So, those are two of the three biggest events that have happened lately. Smaller stuff has also happened. I have joined the conservatory improv program at Second City. I built a wonderful Audrey II from “Little Shop of Horrors” for Halloween this year.

I had a large vial of liquid taken out of my knee. Stopping my knee from hurting like a MoFo. I’m sure there are more things that I’ve forgotten about, but for the most part, that’s been it.

The only other big event that I’ve been involved in leads me to the LJ cut. So for the last exciting event in my life, please click on dear viewer. But be warned, that news leads to possible drama, so enjoy it.

So hopefully anyone reading this will realize that I really don’t want to sound like I’m wallowing in any form of misery. I am certainly not.  This is just a great example of life teasing me with too much happiness.

For those few who do not know, I have been going on some dates with a certain girl named Ashley. You might remember Ashley from such previous relationships as: 
That guy that wore a cowboy hat and was a jackass to Gene Wilder.

So, after deciding to go the “just friends” route with Jonathan, she and I started to hang out. That quickly escalated into dating, and we have been seeing each other ever since. We aren’t a couple, but we are really enjoying each other’s company. I am so very happy spending time with her, and I believe she feels the same way. Any time that we smarmy, smart ass, jokers find a common bond with someone, the world better watch out. 
So those bright few that don’t already know the ending to this tale might be piecing together that Jonathan has been having issues with this. This is understandable. When girls that I had been dating have left me and started dating someone else (let alone someone I know) afterwards, I’ve felt all sorts of depressions. But here is where our story takes an interesting turn, dear readers. 
Jonathan and others have been quite upset lately about how we have treated him. No, there’s no pronoun problem in that last sentence, they are upset at how WE are treating him. For some reason, Michael and Amy are being lumped onto my shoulders and blamed for Jonathan’s hurt feelings. Not only that, but while I have yet to be confronted on what I am doing, Michael has been accused by several people. Why is that? Well, some people are thinking that because lies have been spread that Michael is having a sexual relationship with Ashley as well. 
This is not true. 
Another theory being used is that Michael and Amy are lumped in with me because they are so close to me, they are responsible for all of the choices I make in life. 
This is also not true. 
The truth of the matter is, I started hanging out with Ash. I asked her out on a date. I made the move to kiss her. And, for pretty much the first time in my life, I am responsible for where I am with someone that I am highly attracted to. If you few who are still reading this did not already know this, I am an idiot when it comes to dating. I never ask girls out. I always assume that I will not only be rejected by attractive women, but laughed at. The fact that I really stuck my neck out here and took a chance (multiple times, even) is an amazing thing. So what happens when I finally risk it and ignore my insecurities? It turns into a shit storm. 
Jonathan freaked out that one of his “friends” is dating Ashley even though, while they were still dating, she promised not to sleep with any of his friends. So, according to Jonathan, when it comes to sleeping with an ex, I’m off limits because I’m a friend, yet when it comes to, say, 
calling me, 
hanging out with me, 
talking one on one with me at parties, 
showing any interest in my life, 
for that stuff I’m merely an acquaintance. I’m a friend of a friend. I’m a guy that gets invited to parties because of who I know, not because of who I am. This seems to be a bit convenient to me. 
And on the other side of storm I have people spreading rumors about Michael sleeping with Ashley, causing all sorts of issues. People are angry with him. They are ignoring what he’s saying and, instead, trusting the rumor monger that lives to cause drama. 
I feel like I must have been given special glasses that enable me to see crazy people for what they are and therefore take everything they say with a grain of salt, while the rest of the world cant see past the not-so-clever disguise. Well guess what? I have come here to kick rumors ass and chew bubble gum. 
And I’m all out of bubble gum.

- I am dating Ashley. 
- Michael is not. 
- Neither is Amy. 
- I have never had a problem with Jonathan, even if he never really felt the need to become real friends with me. I hope he can focus on Mindy, and how happy she makes him. Most of all, I hope he will stop blaming Michael for this, as he has had nothing to do with any of it. There isn’t a single reason to mistrust Michael, as he has been just a partial observer to this whole situation, just like EVERYBODY ELSE! 
- I want the rumor monger to know that she is merely ruining any semblance of self-esteem that might have been built up by my recent small step forward. Not by stopping Ash and I from anything, just by surrounding a new relationship with bad mojo. But like the Wicked Witch of the direction that’s bad (I can never remember which compass point is witch), she has no power over Ash and I. Stop ruining everything around us, and let us enjoy the happiness of a new relationship for god’s sake.

Most importantly, I want anyone that an issue with any of this to talk to me. Or, if you must gossip about this, please direct the gossip at me. Call me a douche bag. Try and spread the concept that I am a self-centered asshole that thinks only of myself. Just make sure that you don’t include anyone other than Ashley and myself. Please direct any and all queries, judgment, hatred, etc… towards me. I know people must talk and gossip, just do me a favor and keep that gossip on me. I am responsible for my own life.

Thank you. 
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