Sep 12, 2004 05:01
Hi kids!
Ehh... today = good.
First, I woke up at 9:40, took a shower and then went back to sleep until 12:40. Erin and I went to see The Cookout, then we went to Max & Erma's for lunch. After the festivities with her, I picked Joe and Robin up and we went to see Tom at Case. We went to see Kroch play, but they weren't ( :(( ) Then we went to The Spot where video game night was.. it was pretty fun. I had to show up like Tom's entire school and teach them how to beat World 8 in Super Mario 3. After VIDEO GAMEZ we went to Taco Bizzy to get food.. okay... the guy working the drive thru was pretty dumb... I gave him $40 so I could get change to pay back Tom and Robin (our total was $15.19), but instead of using the one twenty to pay for the food and give us the other twenty in change, the guy gave us $44 back. So basically we got paid $4 to eat their food. (GUD JOSBZ)
So that was fun.. after that excitement, we went back to Tom's place and ate while Dunk Buddy watched this kung fu movie he got (it was pretty much $0.99 porn). It was pretty creepy. After everyone left the living room part of Tom's suite, Robin, Joe, Tom and I just kinda hung nout and became utterly delirious (well me at least). At about 3 we decided to go home, I dropped them two at home and came home myself.
I packed up a lot of my stuff in the truck tonight, 'cause I know I'm not going to be in any mood to do stuff when I wake up. I plan on sleeping until it's time to go out to eat and then go down to school... I can't wait.
Well, I'm off, got some laundry to finish and then it's time for sleep... BYE