those crazy spammers

Jul 17, 2008 19:23

kim$ mailstat .procmail/log

Total Number Folder
----- ------ ------
1391939799 233271 /dev/null
45169794 4072 /var/mail/kim
9499410 1855 maybe-spam

Has anyone heard of a reason why someone (Kim) would be getting hundreds of thousands of bounce spams continuously, after months and months? She got 233,271 in a month. I get some among my other spam, but I've never had anything close to that. Maybe I'm just spoiled. All the headers, as far as I can tell, indicate that the true originator of the spams is someone's bot net, and not malware on one of our computers; For some reason, they just keep using kim's email address on the From: line, and she gets many many bounces. The messages are getting procmailed to /dev/null, without bothering with anything sophisticated like spamassassin (although that does happen for the remainder). I just can't imagine why they would focus on a single target for such a long time. I'm sure a large percentage of the original spams reach the victims named in the "To:" line, and I would never see any trace of those, but it still seems very strange to me.
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