*peeks up from under the rug*

Jun 20, 2009 12:05

So...it's been forever since I posted anything...figured I'd peek out from under the rug and see what's going on...

It's been an eventful past month in a half.

Reconsiled with some friends and lost some old friends.
Made some new friends and pissed off some old ones.
I stood up for my occupational integrity and ended up unemployed for it.

Been mega stressful, but also very enlightening.  I think some of it is me unlocking those mysterious mental tumblers that're supposed to go *click* when you embark further into your 30's.  It'd be nice if it weren't such a pain in the fucking ass though.  Fire...tempering...yadda yadda yadda.

Also, I haven't been posting much because I'm on facebook all the time.  It's kinda consolidated all of my internet communication and almost all of the sites and feeds I get all in one place.  That's pretty devastating.  But...if you need to reach me it's:  http://www.facebook.com/bizarrothebear

However, I am still alive, to the bane of quite a few folks I've met on the road I might add, but I'm here.  Still trying to flip a bird at the heavens.

Now, if I can somehow wrap up the existential malise with the economic malise, and find a way to sell it...I could be Obama.

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