Dec 31, 2014 05:03
- Tue, 17:24: What am happy day! *sighs*
- Tue, 17:40: *saves a bus full or prisoners*
- Tue, 18:20: Me am just keep gall boulder. This am best day never! *falls over*
- Tue, 18:41: Me am gotz am joy. *eating ice cream truck*
- Tue, 19:02: *paints blonde wig on it* rt @ MrSuperiority: (I love my Damian's avi)
- Tue, 19:59: *reading am Daily Htrae, no so interesting with am's animated AVI*
- Tue, 20:24: Boobyman no am got screw-loose. Nobody am say CD am who'm say her am.
- Tue, 21:31: *keeping nose trained on Boobyman with am x-ray hearing*
- Tue, 21:33: Boobyman am pester sappy face, me am get him nice fruit basket. That'm show him!
- Tue, 21:41: Sky Slug am think nuked am protected?!? What him no smoking!