Apr 07, 2008 17:34
Since January I have been the recipient of a special kind of love. I tried to do the right thing, as I know it to be, and I got kicked for it. The Seneschal of a local group got removed, because he dared listen to me. In front of all the attendees at university, there were meetings held in a room with all open glass walls so people could watch as it was talked about. I could not go to a friends Peerage because I was told that SHE would ruin it for the person by sanctioning me there. Sorry Sunniva, thats the truth. My protege' has put her name in to be Baronial seneschal, the only person to do so, but she's my student so there ya go.
But thats ok....no one will care, its just Fritz. Our local Barony had been running very well up to that point. When our Seneschal was removed for listening to me, the risk was so great that the Kingdom Seneschal had to step in and appoint a special outside the group ACTING Seneschal, who was a friend of mine because he could control me. We are in Virginia, he lives in North Carolina. It was explained to me that SHE wanted to sanction me and that she had grounds....bah. I wish she would have. The Society president( Hi Aaron) was contacted and no charges were ever presented to him or anyone else. I am not so dumb as to not have proof of what I am saying
Heres the nut shell: I went to the Crowns and said" Person X needs help and heres why, they won't like it but I think its best." Rather than just dismiss me as a crazy loon and ignore me, The Crown I spoke to called the person directly and told t hem what I said, and that I was trying to destroy that person. Ignore that every word I spoke in the 4 minute conversation with her was fact, and that I have documentation to back it up. Ignore that I TOLD her that the person cannot see that there is a problem. Why would ANYONE go to someone and stick in a knife like that? Call a court of courtesy on me instead. Gather up the roses and call me out. Hell I will hand pick the Jury and I won't have a sympathetic ear in the room, and I would still come out clean because at the end of the day, I told the truth. Truth isn't pretty but it is truth.
Was I wrong to go to the Crown? I do not believe that I was. I felt concern for a member of my local group, and I shared it with the 3 people who could make it better. Will I do it again, almost assuredly not. It was so much more important to punish Fritz for "whatever" we can get on him" , than to help the person. This was a vendetta simple and direct.
In the same breath I was using the word Cowns I will point out that His Majesty Logan, who I spoke with 3 times during this affair was honest and true the whole time. A stand up guy who should get a lot of credit for his directness and thoroughness. He stands by the things he says and does. And thats good enough for me.
I would also add that Their Hignesses Kari and Sinclair are good folks who listen and review all the facts before they act. I am proud to have them as Monarchs. She is one of the funniest people I have ever had occasion to chat with and hope it occurs again.
As for Rowen, well I hope she got what she wanted, because some of us know what we really got from her.
I transposed some lyrics earlier today from the Wizard of Oz. I took them down because out of Context they may have seemed cruel.
I have been counseled to sit back and shut up and just wear this, that she's gone and its no big deal. That I have worn worse mud before and that this is not worth it. I have been told that to even respond lends creadence to what has been said about me. I am sorry if you feel I should just wear this and that I should take the moral high ground, but I am already covered in the mud and the Muck so I have no problem letting everyone know why I am wearing it.