"Do you think that there's racquetball in heaven?" // "I know there is."

Jun 19, 2011 18:04

If someone had told me even a year and a half ago that an episode of Psych* would make me bawl all over the couch -- multiple times -- I would not have believed them. Just goes to show, I guess.

* ["Mr. Yin Presents ...," the Season Four season finale.]

MAN. I am suddenly glad I sunk $32 and several flu-ridden hours of effort into downloading Season Five from Amazon on Demand three months ago. I ordered Season Five off the NBC Store website because you get the sweet pineapple pillow along with it, but it probably won't get here until the end of this week if I'm lucky. Happy for me, I at least got Season Five all geared up on my laptop if I can't wait that long to dive in.

(Although, maybe I'll find that I can -- I'm not home a single evening next week. :P)

I'm off to unpack some stuff and vacuum and do laundry and otherwise keep myself occupied in order for me to avoid weeping all over the couch cushions some more. Because I WILL BE WRITING THIS EVENING, _DAMMIT_ -- I have an outline to make already.*

* [Note to Self: Stop trying to construct a mystery novel without an outline while still being a novice mystery author. This will save you time and heartache, not to mention staving off carpal tunnel thanks to saved hours in front of a keyboard writing scenes that will eventually have to be deleted due to having nothing to do with anything. Thank you.]

SOME P.S.'S (NOTE: There are spoilers up through "Psych" Season Four in these P.S.'s.)

P.S. THE FIRST: Of course Shawn and Gus are completely hot, but may it be duly noted that I would completely marry Carlton Lassiter? Thank you.

P.S. THE SECOND: Ohmigawd THE ENDING SCENE OF THE SEASON FOUR FINALE. I am giving myself bonus points in advance to reward my patience at not simply skipping ahead to the Season Five finale and instead watching the season in its proper order. I made it this far and avoiding watching newly-airing episodes for this long in order to go back and watch the show properly in order; no point in ruining all that good work now.

P.S. THE THIRD: So is Mr. Yin gonna go after Henry in the Season Five finale? (NOTE: I will pound anyone who actually answers this question in any way, shape, or form.) Only my pet theory, for a long time, has been that _no_ bad guy would go after Henry until the series finale. See, because Henry and Shawn's rocky relationship is such a cornerstone of the show's heart that I found myself figuring that Shawn fighting to save Henry was the show's "Who Killed Trudy?" equivalent; it's the Ultimate Stakes, so you can't have it happen before the finale. This made sense to me because _everybody_ else -- Gus, Juliet, Carlton, Shawn's mum, and Shawn himself
have all had some killer putting a gun to their head or being taken hostage or what have you during the course of the series -- but not Henry. Henry's been involved in some high-stakes stuff, but he's never actually been the _target_, and like I said, I always figured that wouldn't happen until the final episode. But with that last shot of Mr. Yin touching a picture of Shawn alongside some lady (Mr. Yin herself, if Yin is in fact actually a woman?) when Shawn was just a kid, it makes me wonder if Part Three of the Yin/Yang Trilogy HAS to involve Henry. Because apparently Mr. Yin has known Shawn a long time, and so the stakes have to continue to get personal? Of course, maybe Mr. Yin'll just go after Gus, which is a distinct possibility, leaving Henry out of the direct crossfire (and keeping my personal pet theory intact), but we'll see.

P.S. THE FOURTH: Incidentally, Henry totally took that liaison job with the police station just now! Opah.

P.S. THE FIFTH: Watching Henry and Shawn hug on the pier was pretty hard on my waterworks. Just the expression on Shawn's _face_ -- he was just a kid again, just a kid being held by his dad. DAMMIT WHY DID I WATCH THIS ON FATHER'S DAY; I AM CRYING AGAIN.

What a show. WHAT a show.


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