Quick, look, something not about "Monk"! ...

Nov 30, 2009 07:33

So when I got back from Thanksgiving on Friday evening* and unloaded my dishwasher, and three or four dishes and bowls had this odd, light, brown, speckled spatter in the bottom of the bowls or across the dish. I figured it had to be food particles -- maybe from a lump of peanut butter or something -- that had been flung all over the dishes during the wash cycle and had dried and solidified there (the way it sometimes happens, although usually it only affects the dishes that the food substance was originally on in the first place, and I was really quite sure that I hadn't had peanut butter _that_ much in a day and a half). It irked me -- I never respond well to Mystery Substances, especially on my dishes** -- but I figured it was a fluke and soaked the dishes that were affected and put the rest away.

* [Got back nice and early so I'd be in time for "Monk" -- c'mon, you know I had to mention it SOMEwhere.]

** [Why DO you think I love Monk so much, eh??]

Soaking didn't prove to be enough -- some heavy-duty scrubbing was involved -- but I figured the problem was mostly solved ... until I did another load of dishes last night. It was the first load I'd done since getting back (I haven't eaten at home that much this weekend), and when I was putting things away, I was pleased to see that everything came out clean (as I of course performed a careful inspection) ...

Until I found one bowl in the top, all speckly on the inside bottom. GRRRRRRRRRRR.

It was just the ONE bowl this time, and when I inspected the top of the dishwasher wrack, I noticed two spots wherein the plastic had chipped away and was now getting rusty -- so it seemed a logical conclusion that the spots on the bowl were rust. The problem is that I can't figure out why only ONE dish was affected this time, but FOUR dishes got it last time (including on the BOTTOM rack, which is brand-new as of a couple months ago).

I'm gonna call the front office this morning and ask to have one of the maintenance guys come take a look, and in the meantime try not to worry about Mystery Substance Poisoning. Ah, Mondays ...

for fink's sake

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