Pabo Joongie

Feb 08, 2011 00:12

After filming running man....

“Yah, Jong Kook hyung! How could you do that?!” whine Gary while HaHa nods his head agreeing.

“Did you just call me with yah?!” his eyes throwing daggers to his so-called kids and ready to launch his attack.

“A-a-aniyo...” both quickly replied. *sweats*

“Hyung! You definitely favour Yunho hyung than us!” Gwang Soo chirp bravely while hiding behind Jae Suk. *typical Gwang Soo*

“Keurae maj-a! Jong Kook-ah, it’s so obvious!” even Suk Jin is in this matter.

“What? When? Didn’t I do it with everyone else too?!” (-_-“)

“You are all over him! Even taking his side all the time! And what do you mean you have been doing it to us?! All we got from you is mental and physical damaged every time we are filming! Do you know that every time I hear the bells my life shortens by 10 years!” Jae Suk who had been MC-ing noticed the different. Well, actually even the blank-Ji Hyo notice Jong Kook favoritism towards Yunho.

“Geurae hyung, after filming there will be bruises. I feel like a punching bag. Am I your punching bag hyung?” said HaHa in his Haroro mode while trying to make a sad face but failed miserably.

“Wae-yo? Can’t I be nice to him? He is our guest! We should treat our guest nicely!”

“Yah Jong Kook-ah, don’t even try to deny! Even Dual Dagger hyung feel like you are threatening him during the game!” again Suk Jin trying to condemn his enemy in trying to fight for Jae Suk’s attention.

“Well he is my dongsaeng, I should be nice to him.”

“Hyung! We are your dongsaeng too!!!” the kids protest.

“But its been a long time since X-Man! Its hard to meet him you know!”

“Hyung! You even mention his name in your word!” Gwang Soo pointed out.

“Huh? I mention-what?” sudden realization hits him.

“Yah! His name is Uknow Yunho. How on earth am I not going to say that word! Everybody is using it too, you know!”

“See you used it again!”

“Haish, all of you are helpless”

“Mentioning of X-Man, Jong Kook-ah I remember the time when you save Yunho. His head from bumping the floor to be specific, since then I know you’ve been sporting some kind of favoritism towards him. Am I right?!”

“Aish hyung, it’s an old matter. I mean who can deny Yunho from being childish sometime? Look at his drawing, it’s like he is a kid with lots and lots of fantasy and full of imagination! Plus he does look cute to me...”

“I guess you are right...” in the end all of them agree that Yunho does look like an innocent kid, charming his way into his hyungs heart.

On the other side of the planet...

“Yunho-baby... I’m so proud of you!!”

“Really?! Thank you! Erm... but why?”

“I’ve seen your episode in Running Man! My Yunnie runs so fast!!” Jaejoong said in his excited voice.

“But you make me angry too...”

“Ehhh! Why? What did I do?!”

“Yah! Do you have to giggle cutely while shyly showing your drawing to that Haroro!! And to top that, you even tap his shoulder too!! Skinship!! Wait no, SHIRTSHIP!” *jealous much jaejoong-ah”

“But Joongie, I feel embarrassed of my drawing and I need to tap his shoulder to get his attention... and I’ve been smiling to everyone since the day I was born!”

“But not that smile Yunnie-ah! That innocent smile belongs to me! It’s the sole property of Kim Jaejoong! Remember that!” Jaejoong whining oh-so-cutely to his boyfie.

“Pabo Joongie”

“Well this pabo is the one you love right?!”

“Yes. And I am a pabo too for loving a pabo”

“I love you... “ XD

“Love you too...”

- Am sorry if this out of your expectation. *bows low*
-For those who can't understand why Suk Jin said that Jong Kook is his enemy, its because Jong Kook and Jae Suk look like a close friend   and Suk Jin who have been Jae Suk's friend for all of his life is jealous if their closeness even when Jong Kook and Jae Suk are arguing.

pabo joongie

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