Picnic at Beach~~

Dec 22, 2009 13:36

I was thankful that day coz its not raining~~

My friend playing with water~~ I just like to snap pictures of scenery...

On Sunday, we got off from Supermall at 2.45pm after buying some food to eat at the beach. Then all of us head to the beach using our cars. I was so excited about this idea because its so hard for us to make some time enjoying with friends since we still study and busy with classes. Although there are a lot of them can't be with us that day, we really had a fun time playing and snapping pic for memory. I was busy swimming until I forgot that I haven't eat anything that day. The waves are so strong that it keep pushing me until I fall on my butt. Heck! my sense of balance really mess up that I keep on falling on my knees. But I got sunburn and a fever after that! *sigh* this sore throat really killing me~~~
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