Mar 03, 2008 18:12
my birthday is a week from tomorrow.
i'm gonna be 19. crazy.
i talked to tony for the first time in a month this past weekend.
i'm not losing my job, which i thought i was all week.
i'm pretty excited to work a load this summer.
especially due to the fact that i'll probably only be hanging out with chris.
chris might be working on the set of Transformers 2.
awesommmeeee!! :)
i just got over being horribly sick.
someone told me that i sound sexy when i have no voice. ha.
next year i'm getting an apartment with my friends Chelsea and Jenn.
and it's going to be AMAZING.
i have homework to doooo.
(3 years = next month.
wow. i've been dating him since i was 16)