my weekend.

Nov 19, 2007 10:52

friday i went to see Beowulf with chris, 4 of his friends, and Capelli.
when we first got there, capelli had already been there for a while and he came out of the local pub quite... intoxicated. ahha
he was like "I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" and gave me a huge hug.
hes hilarious.
so we go into the movie, and its completely different then the poem, but by changing it the movie was better.
needless to say, Capelli was pissed due to beign an english teacher and he let everyone know hahaha

on the way home, there was this guy in the car next to us and it looked like he babies piled up in his back seat.
so we stopped next to him to see what it was, and they turned out to be 3 foot tall cloth dolls.
he was so hilarious. he ended up throwing one into my car. 
i could have sworn if we opened it there would be like stolen drugs in there or something ahha.
random stuff like that always happens to me.

so i spent the weekend at chris's and with work friends.
it was fun.
IM OVER IT. (pretty much) HA

i go home tomorrow for thanksgiving break. wooo!!
im working, too. which kinda sucks, but itll be fun! haha
ill actually get paid for what i do everyweekend when im home haha.
i have a plan. and im scared.

today: one more class and then work.
tuesday: class at 11 and then heading home.
wednesday: work 4 to close.
thursday: thanksgiving!!
friday: picking chris up at the airport in the AM and work 4 to close.
saturday: work 12 to 10.
sunday: who knows and then back to school.
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