Jan 14, 2009 10:30
Jack the Rat looks delicious. I do not mean this in an "eating him" kind of way. I mean this in a "look at him and salivate because his color is so creamy and delicious looking that it makes you think of creme brulee and cream puffs" kind of way.
It's quite ridiculous. Every time I look at him I just want to gobble him up in a hyperbolic fashion. (That is to say, "not literally".) [Rabbit Trail >> You know what's really funny? I actually just learned what hyperbole is at church a few Sundays ago. My pastor explained it (and did a good job of it, actually) and now I'm ALL OVER hyperbole. :-D << End Rabbit Trail] Jack is *shiver* <-- (I just looked at him again) SO CUTE and SO soft looking and GOODNESS gracious, his color!! He's like...a creamy beige color and his tummy is a creamy white color and they blend together so yummily.
I know this journal is mine but I also know that other people read it and you likely don't want me going on and on and ON about how yummy delicious Jack is so I think I'll stop. For now.
It is incredibly very nice to discover that someone likes you. I don't mean LIKES likes you. I just mean likes. Of course if you have friends, then obviously you know that you're liked. But it's nice to know that new people can still like you. I think I'm going to stop here because I'm having a really hard time articulating what I'm trying to say and I think I'm just going to sound goofy. Sounding goofy is fine - I do it all the time. But sounding goofy to the point that it makes your point impossible to understand is NOT fine - unless you're trying to do that on purpose. Which I'm not. Which is why I said I'd stop <--back there. But instead I'm stopping >here<.
I am in quite the wordish mood today.
(category: being me),
(security: public),
(ratty goodness),