Feb 12, 2009 12:21

Sims 3 is pushed back to June 2!! >_< I am so unhappy!! Come June 2, I'm *hoping* to be decorating my own REAL house, not one in Sims 3! Hrmph.


WE GOT OUR TAX REFUND! *jumps up and down and claps* Hooray, hooray, hooray! That means that I get to order my Wacom Bamboo digitizing tablet AND I can start REALLY designing! w00t w00t! See, if I'd finished my graphics design degree, I probably would've found out a WHOLE LOT SOONER that digitizing tablets exist. I seem to be perpetually unequipped to use my skills. :p I wonder what else is out there that would make my life easier and I don't even know it. Seriously. I *just* found out a couple of days ago that the designs people are making for phone themes on are a bunch of GIMP BRUSHES!!! LOL I thought these people were actually drawing stuff. I swear. I do EVERYTHING the hard way. EVERYTHING. Don't even get my started. My brain has a Complication Complex. It has to find the most complicated way to do anything.

So. I'm bummed that Sims 3 won't be out for ANOTHER FOUR MONTHS. That's completely unacceptable. But I'm stoked that I'll have a digitizing tablet to play with in the meantime.

P.S. to myself: yesterday = save the whales!

(category: being me), save the whales

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