Today went really well.
Cut 'cos I'm nice like that.
It's poor English, but I frankly don't care at the moment.
We didn't have the opportunity to mingle & meet many people, but I'm sure that time will come.
We've been assigned specific groups and I shall meet my fellow 'B' group members tomorrow. I refrained from calling them 'groupies', because of the inevitable connotations. O__o
The lecturers seemed lovely & approachable.
Rob, our head of department, is very funny. In a risqué way.
(Lots of jokes about making full use empty offices; laboured breathing and plastic macs. I shall be in like-minded company. U__U)
If you've ever seen DIY SOS, you'll have an idea of the working ethic these guys put forward today. Gently ribbing & teasing eachother. And us.
It was something of an information overload today, but a strong emphasis was placed on not fretting about the coming week.
The few people that I did meet were pleasant enough.
There was Richard, an ultra-gay & ultra-camp young man. He excessively uses of the term 'dahhhling' & has pictures of an actor from Lost pasted across his notebook.
His posse included Emily. Who I actually believe is our Emily reincarnated,
liseuse! Same sense of humour & style.
There was another girl with them, but I can't recall her name. She didn't make a huge effort to communicate, so I left her to her own devices.
Emily mentioned something about how she and her friends are getting piercings, now that they're away from the prying eyes of parents.
I can just see them, toddling home with a face full of metal at Christmas & surprising their parents.....
I randomly stumbled across Claire today! It was lovely to see a familiar face in the crowd, and she's a nice girl.
According to my mother, in the photographs that I have for I.D cards, I resemble Edward Scissorhands. I think that extends only so far as the pale skin and dark hair.
I'm lacking in the scissor department, at least. I don't have quite so many scars, either.
Today was more of a success than I had anticipated it being.
On a another note, I think I'm finally beginning to pull myself out of the deep rut I've been in lately.
Things don't look as bleak & I don't feel as desperately unhappy as I have been over the past few weeks. That started way back when the fiasco with HIM began.
Tonight shall be about indulgence.
Grey's Anatomy; beginning a new book & plenty of kip.