Oh what a happy day/event/life!

Sep 29, 2006 12:57

Some of you may remember my post from earlier this month concerning the purty ring that Ian was getting me.

Well!  Have I a got a story for you!

Ian had been tracking the package via FedEx's website and noted that the package was not delivered because the apartment manager had conveniently left his office.  To say that Ian was frustrated was an understatement.  So I told him to give me the tracking number and I called FedEx to find out the likelyhood of picking up the package from the distribution center.  I jotted down the information and relayed it to Ian.

I got home and found the door tag left by FedEx.  I grabbed it and brought it into the apartment.  The apartment was dark.  Looked like Ian hadn't been home yet.  Normally he is home right around the same time that I am.  I decided to try and catch a nap since we were bowling in our league that night.  He finally got home at 20 to 6.  I told him that if he was working late, he could have called me for a ride.  He said that he didn't know that he was going to be working that late and that the buses run at stupid times later at night.  He gave me a smooch and then asked if I wanted to go to FedEx and pick up the package with him.  I glanced at my watch and he quickly stopped and asked what time it was.  Bowling started at 6:30, so we really didn't have enough time.  It was decided that tomorrow might be a better option for picking up the ring if it wasn't delivered to the office.

So, I took my nap.

Ian woke me up about a half an hour later.  I put on my shoes and grabbed my bowling bag and off we went.

I pulled out my bowling shoes and loosened the laces as I was talking to Drew (Ian's brother-in-law).  I tipped my bowling shoe to put it on and something tumbled into the heel of the shoe.  I was like, 'wtf is this?'  I thought, what the hell from my bowling bag could have fallen off and into my shoe?  Then I finally realized what it was: the ring box!  My jaw dropped as I turned and looked at Ian.

Drew spouted off, "Woah, woah.....woah!" Then promptly asked what was going on.  He asked what it was, Ian and I responded, "a ring."  Drew then said, "I know its a ring." He asked me what it meant, what kind of ring it was.  In my smartass manner, I responded, "emeralds and diamonds."  Then he rolled his eyes and asked, "what does the ring symbolize."  I told him to ask Ian.  And then Ian told him to ask me.  It was fun.

It was confirmed this morning, that this was more than just a ring.  This is an engagement ring.

Yes, Ian and I are engaged.  I am so incredibly happy. WE are so incredibly happy.  *SWOON*

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