Hey, new post!

Dec 04, 2018 11:09

I'm alive. Busy. Crazy. but alive.

Also, for some mad reason my dead fic muse burst to life and I've been actually writing fanfic for the last few months. Thank you to Janeway/Chakotay for bringing Bruce back to life!!

Also, Since we last met... Disney Junior Live on Stage closed (Pour one out for my DJ) BUT, when one door closes another opens and Disney Junior's NEW show Disney Junior Dance Party is opening on December 22. (three days before Christmas, Ya'll. They're TRYING to kill us! LOL) But, epic news.. I am one of the lead trainers for the Ops cast for the new show!! (Everybody say WHAT WHAT!!!) You guys, I am STUPID EXCITED for the new show!! I can't wait until our guests see it!! The kids are gonna love it!!

In other news.. I have created a Janeway/Chakotay community here on DW partially in response to some of the Tumblr migration, but also, dude... I need to find more J/C peeps!! It's here at
new_earth Please come play with me!!! (There will be no censorship, I just ask that NSFW stuff be under a cut)
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