So today at work, we were wondering if there was a full moon, because it was that kind of day...
From starting off with a HARD FAIL rope drop, where we kinda sorta, didn't get to our ropes in time and had a wave of people get nearly to them before we were just yanking stanchions out of the path with ropes attached just to let people through.... *headdesk!*
To strollers everywhere OMG to people in the Cinderella line bitching because they want to see Anna and Elsa... sorry, you got in the shorter line, you can't just cut in front of people who have been waiting for nearly 2 hours just because you waited nearly 1. It don't work that way. You go around and get in the right line. IT IS PLAINLY MARKED OUTSIDE, Plus.. WE TELL YOU which way to go... don't tell me you didn't know what line you were in. *this is my sympathy face:*
And our new CPs SUCK! Ok, so we have a couple good ones... but for the most part... dude, when you are in a stroller lot... you don't just stand there and watch the strollers pile up. MOVE THEM!