Day 6: Fandom Snowflake Challenge

Jan 06, 2012 08:00

Day 6

In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) and that you ended up loving.

One last note: It would be awesomesauce if y’all included a quick warning in your comments IF the fanworks contain triggery subjects.

This one is going to be hard for me because it has been SO LONG since I have read any fanfic, I truly really have no recs. But I can say when I first started in fandom back in the stone ages, I was really green around the edges. I had no idea what I was doing. Everything was just on the cusp of going online, yet still most of it was offline. Anyone remember Prodigy? That's where I cut my Internet teeth. And it was a long distance phone call for me. (oh, midwest...)

Once things went online and slash EXPLODED .. I was all O.o EEEUUUWWWW WTF?? We used to call it the "fandom that dare not speak it's name, now won't shut up." I have gone from a staunch slash hater to eh... it's there. I still don't have any m/m slash pairings however... I WILL actively read Kirk/Spock. :) Well, when I read. Which really these days... if it's not in a zine I haven't read it. And even then, I haven't picked a zine up in well, since last year's MediaWest*con. And that's probably when I will next pick one up. LOL

BUT, I do write in RP fashion, f/f. I love my F/F characters. (They say write what you know. I know girl parts, not guy parts. LOL)

So I';ve gone from euw slash go away... to you write your stuff, I'll write my stuff we can all get along. :) I still have moments of O.o when it comes to RPS... that I'll confess, I still don't get. :) BUT, i'm not going to say.. hey you can't write that. I've come a long way. :)

snowflake challenge

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