Life update

Jun 25, 2006 23:02

Wrote this draft in the movie theatre while waiting for cars to start.. so there are some amusing asides...

Have been busy, so will cover lots in 1 post.

Job is going well. As there is a blog agreement I won't post much about my job. Just to say that its going to be interesting. I will basically be a phone reservation agent for packages to Hawaii, so the last two weeks have been mindnumbingly filled with learning codes and such. Will be on the phones next week, I think. Am a bit nervous, as I am not exactly phone confindent. There's a reason I tend to mostly text message. LOL I may be stressed at times after being on the phone all day, so if I just post a job related AARRGGHHHH you'll know what I mean without me elaborating. :-)

So enough about work, lets see... has anything interesting happened in fandom in the last week? Hmmm? LOL

(( NOOOOOOOooooooooooo Michael Bolton is now killing Sinatra. ZOMG this sounds scary. Thankfully they don't seem to be playing full songs.. *shudder*))

Back to fandom...

((Ok, I hope the rugrats behind me are quiet in the film... the perils of being an Adult Disney fan....)

Anyway.. fandom...LOL

I've been captivated, as everyone has, with the Msscribe tale. Its like crack that I can't look away from. I can't imagine what would make anyone do that. I mean.. jeez.. why would anyone WANT to be a BNF on purpose??

Of course my Old Skool definition of BNF is way different then the current "Look, I'm popular.. Squuee!!" version. Reading about the msscribe debacle has really made me miss the glory days of fandom before teh internets when we actually had to work at fandom and getting to know each other. I miss the Snailbox full of letters and paper newsletters and actual print zines. (Thank you Mediawest*con for keeping me fannishly sane with your old skool bad self!)

I am a transition fan in that I got into Star trek:TNG while it was still on the air in the 3rd season..

(((OMG Michael Bolton should never sing again... I'm in a song looped HELL!!!)))

..while the majority of fandom was offline. It was slowly moving online. I think it was about 1990 when I got my Prodigy account and got online myself. I've been missing a lot of that offline fannishness. I really really miss the Star Trek Welcommittee. It really helped me find the fandom when I needed to.

I think a lot of today's fans are a bit clueless of the offline history of fandom and tend to not even think fandom existed before teh internets. They don't even think about it, and thus are totally creating their own 'culture' without the benefit of the rich layer before it. New meanings of terms are popping up and its causing more than a few conflicts I am sure. :-)

Reminds me of a post I saw in a Days community about someone who was complaining that she was so "over" Steve and Kayla and she had no idea who they were because she just started watching Days a few years ago and they were "way back in the 80's" *gulp* ***way back in the 80's???*** I didn't know whether to feel insulted or ask that young whipper snapper where my cane was...*rolls eyes*

And in tying this all back to Msscribe...its like a lot of fans (not all of them, I am not painting everyone with the same brush..) who come into a fandom as their first fandom thanks to the ease of a google search.. are mundanes. They don't have or know the rich history and the comeraderie of what its like to be an offline fan.. to be among 'your people'. its like in some cases, fandom is being taken over by Mundanes who don't have a clue. Scary that.

((Oh, movie starting... eeuuwww... I smell sewer... hope that goes away...))

POST MOVIE at home..

Cars is absolutely adorable. Must see it again. (grumbles.. why do people insist on bringing kids to see a kids movie?? LOL) (am kidding really) but the two kids who sat behind me were quiet as little mice, the two seated next to me on the other hand... not so much. One cried on and off through the whole movie (Honestly.. she was a toddler.. too young to go to a movie, no matter what it is..)) Finally towards the end the woman seated at my left yells (loudly) "Take the KID OUT!!".. the parent seated on my right yells back, "Its a kids movie!!" and I'm in between them thinking.. BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!

But yeah.. Cars made me cry. Twice. Its a sweet adorable movie and if you have reservations about seeing it... run don't walk. Its up there in the top 3 of their best movies. So adorable!!

We've got tickets for both Superman Returns (3D Imax version!!) and Pirates 2. I SOO cannot wait. :-) I'm looking forward to Supes.. but PoTC2? I am sqeeishly, bouncing in my seat like a 10 year old excited about. Isitjuly7thyetisitjuly7thyetisitjuly7thyet??? The wait... its KILLING ME!!! LOL

And now that I have written a novel, I will shut up.

fandom, movie review

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