*dusts off journal*

Feb 24, 2006 09:45

*achoo* hello, journal. oh, i have slacked on you so...

life is pretty darn busy at this point. for anyone who doesn't know, brigadoon opens next weekend. i am not totally solid on my lines... im still making up coreography and am nervous as sin to be a lead in this show. i feel like i should email dear mrs. carla webster. but... i don't know, what do you think?

just for the record, we have all the double-casting stuff figured out.

---megan hahne and i will be performing in our respective lead roles on march 3rd and 5th and again on the 9th and 11th. the 9th is the signed performance (keri and bonnie!)---

with that out of the way, i havent had a chance to stop and smell the roses, as it were, in over a week it seems. spring break can't come fast enough. yeah, i will be glad in the end that i am killing myself right now, but in the coming semesters- i am going to -have- to work more to do this living off campus thing. i have already been asked to stage manage a conservatory in the fall and in the spring of next year. both men are people i can learn a lot from and would love to work with. i just need to take a step back and chill out a little... or win the lottery and pay someone to do all my homework.

this week has been a blur. midterms. lighting hours. rehearsal x3 (im working on three shows at once... lead in brigadoon, and sm for my twin the ack-attack and senor johnson)

aside- eljay autosaves. thank god!

whether or not i really enjoy it, i seem to be pretty good at this communications major i have.. i slapped together an assigment yesterday for my writing class and the professor loved it. heh, i just got sean o'casey's voice in my head. however, i dont think that im going to be able to finish in the two years i have left. it would be awesome to take summer classes. but that costs money that a scholarship doesnt cover. from the looks of things though, i will have no problem getting bright futures back. *dance dance* this summer, in place of classes that i really need to get out of the way- im going to try and get in at the limelight. i might audition for the summer season or just go in and be a tech -whatever they need- i just have to be careful not to get to thick into it because i cannot.. repeat cannot take on anymore over the semester than i am now. if anyone out there in theatre land is listening... i want to sm a mainstage again.

it is starting to strike hard that i have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. its likely that i will take directing in the fall. i will be a junior in the fall! why did it take a lot longer to ger through high school! it so crazy. i only have a handfull of classes left to take for my theatre major and then i dont know what i will do. thats why i am thinking about getting into the limelight- that way i will have some out of school experience. on a smaller scale, being that its a small theatre- but they still do good work. i wish i could go see the show. cant make it.

once brigadoon is over... i will have a big chunk of my life back. heh, and something great for the good ol' resume.. hmm, on that- i need to do that for carpino. bu soon afterwards, conervatory will need to go up. then directing... not to self- see if they want me to deck-manage for those too.

anyway- for my own sanity. no one needs to read any farther.
-get drivers license. now that i can drive.. i just need to make it official.
-get my car from my parents. after the above.. but soon.
-get into the swing for the boy's film. i need to get cracking with the paperwork.
-find a place to live by the end of april. (anybody want to move in with jamie and i?)
-try and get cracking on my history paper.

-live life and be excited that i am doing so well here.
-breathe, sleep, and be loved.

heh, those last two are easy.
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