Dec 06, 2004 15:29
Well Ive made it through one of 2 stressful days, wait, 3 stressful days of the week. Sunday we went to the show at Walsingham. I was at the barn by 7:45 to help load horses and got home at 6:45 after feeding. I must say though, Dakota was much better than I expected, he loaded both times with no problems and was generally good. I then proceeded to write 2 english journals, neither which were horrible. Well, I wrote one last night, then brain stormed the second with Davids assistance over chocolate pie and pomegranates and wrote it up this morning at 5. But it was done by the time I got to school, so Im happy. Other stress days:
Wed-math test, maybe french, not really stress
Thursday-2nd bio test of the year, huge!, but that really makes Wed not Thur the stress day
Fri- english oral
Then math internal assessment and exams. Then sleep, oh glorious sleep. : ) Herm, seems as if Im so focused on school. Maybe I am. Wow, thats sad...
I cant wait, purse days, camping, star watching, Christmas trees, my brother, not in that order.
Edit: add a several winged gingerbread mansion that will be stored in the freezer to that list- 10:26pm