5 books chosen as Bisexual Lammy finalists

Apr 02, 2009 08:34


Five books have been chosen as Finalists for the Bisexual Lammy Award

OPEN: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage
by Jenny Block (Seal Press)
The Bishop's Daughter: A Memoir
by Honor Moore, (W. W. Norton)
Rimbaud: The Double Life of a Rebel
by Edmund White (Atlas & Co.)
Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire
by Lisa M. Diamond (Harvard University Press)
Kinsey Zero through Sixty: Bisexual Perspectives on Kinsey
Edited by Ron Jackson Suresha (Routledge/Taylor & Francis)

Bidar recommends:They are all recommended reading!

The winner will be announced at the Lammy Awards on Thurs May 28. http://www.lambdaliterary.org/awards/annual_llf_awards.html

The nominees of the Bisexual Lammy Award will be celebrated on May 30:

The Bi Writers Association


Bi Lines II

A Celebration of Bisexual Writing

in Reading, Music and Theater

Authors of the books nominated for this year’s Bisexual Lammy Award will read from their works. They will be joined by other celebrated bi authors, songwriters and a playwright in a celebration of bi writing. Co-sponsored by The Bi Writers Association & Lambda Literary Foundation.

Date: Saturday May 30th, 8:30-11PM

Admission: Free--Donations welcome

Location: NYC LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th Street, 7-8 Aves

Subways: ACEL123

8PM Doors open for refreshments, book & CD sales

8:30-11 Bi Lines II - Bi Culture Extravaganza!

Readings by nominees for 2008 Lammy Bisexual Book Award and more bi authors:

Honor Moore: Bishop’s Daughter, Ron Suresha: Kinsey from Zero to Sixty, Christy C. Road: Bad Habits: A Love Story, Rachel Kramer Bussell: Crossdressing. More authors TBA.

Slide show of illustrations from bisexual graphic novel Bad Habits: A Love Story.

Musical performances by bi songwriters:

Rob Barton, Louisa McBee Light & Rorie Kelly

Scenes from bisexual one-woman play FLUID:

Written & performed by Erika Kate MacDonald

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