Dec 16, 2007 20:10
So Dustin and I be chillin on the west coast.
Denver Friday..adn Club Queer Saturday.
Denver was fun but lets talk about Club Queer....
After we finally numbed to the freezing temperature and more people started to come, what an adventure it was.
Dustin had the question "Wanna have sex?..sure you do" Asked numerous times, while I was being manhandled by the hands of a thug lesbian whom of which I was not sure of they were male of female. was a good experience at the club queer.
We almost died on the way to Denver Friday night!!! While driving down the interstate I started fish tailing on the ice on a bridge!!!..yes...I almost shit my pants.
And now we smell of thy buttercream and BO funk-licious.
Saturday morning we were served breakfast by a drag queen in a pink/orange neon mini dress with flowers, who had the legs of hercules.
grrr baby
Riding the light rail home we almost get arrested for not paying. After the officer told us we could go to jail, I reminded him we dont have time for that because we are on vacation and that I admired the bulge in his pants. (ok not that last part)
Then Rachel dragged us around the pop-my-Cherry Creek Mall.
Sunday morning before Dustin was SUPPOSED to leave was went to Old Colorado City for breakfast. I screamed in the middle of our pleasant breakfast with the rest of the senior citizens when Dustin reminded i left my debit card at club queer. Shit.
Then he missed his plane now he gets to stay an extra day!!
Oh Friday night Dusitn was lifted, lifted by Jesus. literally.
Later that night he slept with a girl too. literally.