Mar 04, 2007 21:57
I thought it was national little kid shit your pants day in The Childrens Place
(were I retail)
Then as my manger calls me for help she point out the pile o' shit
yes I repeat pile of smelly diaherrea looking shit
One big pile and one little
and not to mention no one noticed it until after the 80 year old lady slipped in the shit!
she went to the bathroom in the stockroom.
So now we have two piles of shit AND shitty footprints across the store
After that another ladt rolled her stroller through that shit!
This happened around approx. 1, and still to this minute we have no idea where the mystery shit came from.
OH man that shit was funny, although I did dry heave a few times.
This shitty experience definitely brightened my shitty weekend.
I like the word shit; shitty, shitter, shittier, shit head.