(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 20:03

l'm watching this high school reunion thing on tv. It's so stupid. But l'd hate to go to a school like that, with all the social cliches. I wonder if some schools are still like that? Probably the onesi n America. At our school, l guess because its an all girls school there's less emphasis on social pyramids. There are groups l guess, but not the populars, jocks, geeks, etc. Well, there are geeks, but they aren't labelled and no one is mean to them. I supose because Australia is so multicultural now, the sort of groups we have are like the Italain group, then the Asian group then the Australian group, African group and Multicultural group. I dont know if people honestly paired up because of their nationality or if it just happend that way? I dont think anyone actually notices its like that. I didn't, until l just thought about it then.

Ah, speaking of school l have it tomorrow :( Ah, holidays went - as always, too fast. lol, l just finished my assignment. Can you believe that? Holiday homework, when we have exams next term. Stupid teachers -.- lol, mine was 3000 words, so l cut it to about 2,400, but l cant seem to cut it anymore. Ah well, what's 1400 words over? :S I dont think she actually set the word count so that we wouldn't go over, just so we wouldn't go under and its only not like, 2000+ so that people wouldn't complain.

I have an interview for USC on.. Tuesday? Yip, that's right. Yay ;_; l hate interviews =.= .. they make me awkward and nervous, plus, not only will there be quizing on why l want to go there, but there will a test and essay l have to write. Cab you believe that?! I'm not even going for a scholarship or what not and they still quiz me :( Ah well.

Nothing much exciting happen on the holidays. lol, l got bored on like the.. 3rd day? I suppose when you're usally always busy, its odd not to be :P
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