Random Update

May 27, 2005 16:37

Ugh, teachers suck ^_^ Yesterday Mr witton told us off for leaving our books in the class room @_@ and if l'm late to school again, l am spose to get detention. Detention!! Geez, it's not like a stuff around before school and purposely be late, it's not my fault if l sleep in is it? Or if l miss the bus..

Poor Thao cried today! I feel sorry for Thao, she seems to have a lot going on at the moment.

On a lighter note, the house is now replenished with food! We went shopping yesterday and brought a lot of food so we wont have to go again in awhile. For the past 2 weeks we've been eating take-out everynight *_* And believe me, take out can get boring. It's because Andrew's busy with his new work and hardly cooks now, and l'm not exactly a chef so we just eat take out most nights. Except when we brought too much take out the previous night, then we eat the left over take out.

Luffy is going back to his home soon. Stupid skye.. It's odd though, l mean, Skye isn't exactly the nicest person so it's just ironic that she'd care so much about an ugly cat. I mean, she really like's luffy and l dont even like luffy that much!

Nari also cried today, and Jessica cried yesterday. Man, so many people cry :S It's pathetic really. I mean l'm sure they all had reason, but its like you're use to seeing people running around crying. As l said, pathetic l think. Hehe, now l look heartless!

Ahaha, reminds me.. Nam formally apologised to me yesterday, that was funny! ^_^

Hehe, Dad and Karen also broke it off, which l think is good - they were getting a little clingly. Well actually he broke it off with her - all the same. But it means he'll be dating someone else by next week, o-well. At least we wont have Karen around for dinner anymore D: But guess who we found out from? Andrew. Not like thats a suprised since we find everything out from Andrew lol. Skye weasled it out of him when he took her to school.
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