Dec 20, 2004 15:11
yes!! Kenji got our ipods yesterday, they look good - from the outside of the box ;_; Omg, Skye is such a dumbass, l already downloaded the itune thing and the other 2 protection softwares and made backup copies of all of it incase they get damaged. Stoopid Skye *.* Eww.. the jet black gay U2 one is so ugly. I hate their songs. I hate that band. (its a place l wish l didn't know..) So gay..
lol, so funny at work - Saturday night Katie was complaining she had a toothache because about a month ago her filling fell out and it hurt for about a day, then the next day it didn't hurt for ages and all of a sudden it really hurt and she couldn't get an appointment until 10:30 today, so on Sunday her face was all swollen and she looked like one of those dog biscuits when you put them in water and they inflate. I'm so grateful for work - l got out of shopping with Karen o_O
Gahh.. l have to figure out an alternative payment besides credit card for downloading itunes, its only .99c a song, but l cant use Kenji's card, he will just assume that l'm going to download 1000 songs or something.. maybe l will have to buy giftcards everytime l want to download songs, forums are no help, all these people just saying which head phones they prefer >.<
Andrew asked us what we wanted for Christmas and l said l dont know and he suggested a ps2, as if l would let him buy us that! I told him not to waste his money, l couldn't care less what he got as long as he didn't spend a lot. He did buy a table tennis stadium last Christmas, but that was more for Kenji and l didn't even know about it.. l dunno >.< I still have to go shopping.. o-well, 5 days left. That's plenty of time! I'll probably go Thursday.