I finally got bit by MS Tuesday

Dec 13, 2007 09:59

Well, it finally happened.. I applied a patch from MS that broke a system - IE specifically.  A user came to me complaining that every time she went to gmail.com IE would crash.  Sure enough it did, and it did with any user that was logged on including Administrator so I knew we had an issue.  Unfortunately my maintenance routine went like this:  apply patches, reboot, run CCleaner, and shut down.  The thing that bit me, and it's partially my fault, is that CCleaner is set to remove MS patch uninstall directories - you know those $KB123413 under the Windows folder... the ones that let you back out if MS b0rks your system.

It turns out that a lot of people are having troubles with KB942615.  It doesn't apply properly and then IE crashes urlmon.dll when visiting certain pages.  No amount of re-registering dll's will fix this, the only fix is to remove KB942615 - or move to Firefox or Opera. 
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