Jun 29, 2011 13:38
Hmm have concentrated my disapointment for the next month into the last few days to get it out of the way - which I think is efficient of me, and have tagged on some non-disappointments too since life can't be all doom and gloom.
Last Tuesday - week 1 of "loose 4 kg" was a bit of a fail - 0.1kg not 0.5 on the scales. i have been food obsessed in a way that I had no awareness of until 18 months ago (shortly before the evil cult entered my life).
Waterfront festival, I probably expected too much after my recent successful days out. I went for the "arts festival", I'd got the impression from the website it would be lots of artwork for sale, but it was a dozen generic craft stalls so I wandered down to look at the dragonboatracing. There were about 100 spectators when I shambled past on Saturday about 3, I think you had to know people in the boats for it to be engaging. The area it was in - that bit by the armouries - seemed like the setting of a zombie movie, I hope the eateries are open on an evening not all gone bust, which is what they looked to me. I did find it amazing how many eateries there are between there and the hop as you walk down the canal, although my failure to grasp the joy of cake or have the cultured tastbuds of many of my friends may be a barrier to appreiciating these.
I went to the bit outside the Hop (is that brewery or canal warfe?) and there were some people canoeing and mini zorb balls with kids in and a band on at the hop. So I thought "well that was a shame but it's a lovely day lets walk down the canal towards home" and so I did - it was all very lovely, it's ages since I've done that and I'd completely forgotten about the murals at the first lock after armley gyratory.
Disappointed in self as managed to get sunburn on Sunday (missed that strip in the middle of my back again - I always forget that vest tops move so much as the straps settle when you are gardening and stuff) but painting action was achieved in the garden. Also failed to go to the gym as much as have meant to.
Lovefilm have given me my first ever fail on the consecutive discs front too. Sent a very forlorn email to them yesterday - should have spotted the "when was the last time you saw an american series have 10 parts?" clue before I put in disc one of season 3 and spent 20 mins thinking "how did I miss the precursor to that?" compounded the sadness because I'd fancied something at the Carriageworks that was on last night since I saw the flier a while back but my inner child threw it's toys out of the pram about actually going because of the number of "you must go to this" type electronic communications I had received.
Having had 2 very positive work weeks, found myself rapidly slipping back into my pre holiday work gloom - probably triggered by my inability to think of any achievements to put in my appraisal. fortunately as we are in pay freeze for another 2 years and if your training wasn't approved in last years budget there's no training budget either" territory it means it'll be an hour of my boss trying to help me work out how to see I've achieved something and prep for the interviews we are going to have sometime in the next 6 months in the restructure.
So having got that off my chest I am going to get on with achievement month, this week bagged 0.8kg of the 4kg target and despite it being carbcravingTuesday yesterday my gym attendance balanced the extra points consumed, Today I've done the list of tasks to do for work (which are boring so need more) and tonight I menu plan and clean the house for Friday as I have a couple of people coming to tea who fed me like a queen when I went to theirs last autumn (no idea what we ate, just remember it was stunningly tasty). Have been let down re the Abbey beer festival on Saturday so if anyone fancies it let me know.x