Post super-stress lurgification

May 24, 2010 11:25

send medical help
I've run out of lungs to cough up and whatevers coming up now appears to have edges as my throat is starting to hurt.
great weekend included walking near Thurscroft reservoir yesterday.  My friends recently returned frome an 8 week break, one of them got 6 weeks of this as unpaid leave, she also works for t'council.  HR have overpaide her by amounts uncertain, and are unable to resolve the situation despite a trail of emails and phonecalls.  There was a discussion on how significant efficiency savings could be made in my workplace by outsourcing all HR to a team of any kind of lifeform other than those currently doing it.  It's really frustrating working somewhere with such extremes of good and bad practice.  (because obviously my mate and I both do sterling perfect work at all times).  I know the HR teams were even worse where I worked in the private sector but "councils bad, private sector get it right" seems to be the mantra of so many people I have contact with these days, and I can't with full confidence challenge this clearly.

Read Brighton Beach (fortunately i was wearing shades as had leaky eyes reading on the front doorstep) Very interesting story based around 1970s imigration from ShriLanka.

Eds play - funnier than I remembered Fulty Towers being (I never really got Faulty towers - it was one of those sitcoms my parents found hysterical and just went over my head at the time so never watched it again as an adult)
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