Do broken hearts ever completely heal?
She remembers reading once that the world ends not with a bang but with a whimper. For Jenny, her world ends with a death.
It happens fast, too fast, for her. They’re on Earth, of course, where else would they be for a crisis of these proportions to occur? Even with all of time and space at their fingertips, it always seems to be Earth.
Always, always, always.
Blasted League.
She holds him in her arms, vaguely aware of eight year old twins shouting for their father. It’s filed in the back of her mind, filed back with the war the soldier has just abandoned for the love of her life. He should just be collateral damage, even all these years later, that’s what a body in a field should be.
But he isn’t. He’s her husband, he’s the father of her children, he’s the man she absolutely loves without a doubt. Has loved for all these years. And he’s dying.
Not ready to say goodbye.
As the tears roll down her face, she presses a finger to Bart’s lips. He’s trying to talk, but each word is a struggle. Jenny presses her lips to his instead, sending a quiet message of love meant only for him.
Blasted Doomsday.
There are screams in her direction but she doesn’t hear them until the bullets hit. The world goes black as she falls on top of her husband’s corpse. But unlike him, she’ll wake up in Oliver Queen’s private clinic. Her hair will be black and her eyes a dark green, a body she’ll despise for years.
Because the world doesn’t end with a bang or a whimper.
It just ends.
Words: 279
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