(no subject)

Jan 11, 2006 19:57


I'm not super religious, but I go to church on occasion. I have a lot of respect for religions and people that worship on a daily basis, however, that is not my thing.

Today I was minding my own business, killing some time before class on campus. I was sitting under some trees reading an Orwell when I was approached by 3 really nice girls questioning my faith and trying to bestow a copy of the Mormon bible into my hands. I am too nice to outright refuse or yell "I worship Satan" (which I don't) just to see their reaction. After kindly sitting through what seemed to be a half an hour explanation about who the Mormons are (and she never broke eye contact which creeped me out), she asked if they could set up a meeting with me to further explore my interest in the Mormons. I said, "No thanks," and politely explained that religion is not a huge part of my life. Then she practically forced me to take a copy of the Mormon bible with their phone number and address. She was a better salesman than most guys at car dealerships. So I had this copy of the Mormon bible in my bag all day, and I actually considered possibly reading a page or two. You see, this is not the first time this has happened. Oh no. About a couple weeks before Thanksgiving vacation two Mormon guys were on my doorstep telling me about it for what seemed an hour. Again, I am too nice to just slam my door in this poor kid's face, even though, that is what you really want to do. So, yeah, I had this Mormon bible sitting in my bag all day and as I was taking my stuff out, my notebook, pen, etc, the bible slid out onto the desk. I hoped no one saw. They would think, "Weird...why does that girl carry her Mormon bible with her to class?"

So, I got home. The Mormon bible is still in my bag for some strange reason. I look through my mail. I get a letter which caught my interest because all over the back was written phrases like, "Bless the one who's hands open this letter" and "Give them the desires of their heart". Out of pure curiosity, I open the letter to find it is a "Prayer Rug"...yes, a prayer RUG. The instructions clearly stated I must immediately pray on this tiny piece of paper and send it back to this church with a monetary contribution and wishes I wanted.

Coming on a bit strong aren't we Jesus?!
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