First Doctor Visit

Jan 11, 2007 15:24

Well I had my first doctor visit yesterday. I almost cancelled because I felt so sick, but I'm glad I went.

I met with the nurse and they had me watch a video (very personal, right!) I learned that I want to kick my doctor to the curb. The video was her talking about common pregnancy concerns, etc. Also, in the video, the doctor said there are three things that she absolutely won't budge on.

1: the baby will be constantly monitored during labor.
2: I will labor with an IV
3: If I go a week overdue she will induce labor.

Those things made me pretty uncomfortable.

The baby monitoring thing is a large bulky machine with one end strapped to the baby's head and a strap around my belly. I would be stuck in bed and unable to move or even sit up. That would increase my likelihood of needing an epidural and I want to try to do this naturally. I'd like to be able to get up and walk around, use a birthing ball, etc. Not be stuck in bed on my back and unable to move. That will make the labor take longer as well. Bleh.

The IV is really just completely unnecessary. If I do end up needing an IV after I give birth, it takes two seconds to put in. Laboring with one in would keep me bound to the bed.

The induction thing sucks ass. The normal delivery time for a first time mom is a few days over 41 weeks (full term is 40 weeks), Induction is really painful and it forces the baby out even if it's not ready to come yet and is not fully developed. The due date is just a guess, it's not set in stone and it can be off. Forcing the baby out early will make it more likely to have underdeveloped lungs, having to go to the NICU and be in an oxygen tent, etc.

I'm really not down with her ideas on birth, and I want to go elsewhere. I am looking around for a midwife. I'm meeting with this place,, on Wednesday.

I am going to keep my ultrasound appointment with my obgyn that is on Thursday, mostly because the midwives don't do first appointments until 10 weeks, which would be the beginning of February and I want to see the heartbeat asap! After the ultrasound appointment, I won't be going back to that office.

I must have eaten something bad on Tuesday, because I was sick all day Wednesday but I feel fine again today. Whatever it was, my body screamed EVACUATEEEEEE!!!!! Ugh. I'm glad I'm feeling better today, but I'm trying to take it easy and eat easy to digest foods. I lost almost 5 pounds from yesterday. Bleh!!
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