I haven't updated in a while! Oops!!
Everything is going just fine here. The worst of my complaints is back pain, which has been persistant ever since the beginning of this pregnancy. It hurts every day in the same place. I had a massage the other day and it was heavenly! Besides that, I'm feeling fine and dandy!
We're slowly getting everything ready, we registered a few weeks ago and two weekends ago Andrew painted the nursery. It's blue, bright blue, like painter's tape blue. :) We're also painting a mural on one wall, it's not done yet but I'll post a photo when we finish.
Our nursery furniture should be here some time next month, which is exciting. I'm getting bigger, I have a belly now, although it's still a small one. I got a pair of maternity jeans a few weeks ago that rock my world (thanks Grandma Elsie, who "sponsored" them :D)
Last weekend we went to visit Gayle and Niraj in Austin, and we had mother's day brunch with my grandma and grandpa. It was fun! I got a Coach purse to match my diaper bag, ya know, to replace the one that got stolen a few weeks ago.
Andrew has been out of town all week for work, but should have just landed back in town right about now. We're going out to dinner and a movie with some friends.
Andrew's birthday is this Sunday! We'll go a nice dinner, I'm not sure where, his call!
Um, I think that's about it!
I can't stop shopping for baby stuff, it's ADDICTING! Yesterday at lunch I saw a woman with this car seat cover:
http://www.babybellamaya.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=7&products_id=23 It might look slightly hideous on the computer screen, but in real life it was LOVELY! So I asked her where she got it, she told me www.babybellamaya.com so I had to check it out. They're all super cute! I dunno if I like the green, teal or red the best! I like the teal, but it looks like it's lined with chocolate brown. Chocolate brown is very *IN* right now, much to my dismay. It's not one of my favorite colors, but it seems like it's everywhere!
I have another midwife appointment in a couple weeks, I have to take the gestational diabetes test, which means I get to drink that super sweet flat orange soda stuff. Hopefully I'll pass though, I'm not too concerned.
Ok, I'm hungry and I've got to go run some errands...