Oct 03, 2004 16:58
soo yeah a lot happeend this weekend, we left for the airport and we got a limo!! and i was excited, but then it was like an hour ride and i saw some guy like ejected out of his car and he was dead and there was no ambulances or anything so he was just kinda dead and upside down and it was fuckin scary and i had like a panic attack, then we got to the airport and got dinner and yeah got to boston at like 11:45 and chilled till like 2 in the morning and yeahh that was cool then i woke up at like 10, and showered and ate then mom and i went to plimoth and saw the mayflower and plimoth rock which was cool haha, and then we went home and got ready and went to the wedding and it was so much fun. i met like a lotta really chill people like Leanne, and Jake and Drew, and Jeff they were all cool as shit so we all kinda chilled around the bon fire and played pool and shit, and Jakes like the hottest person i have ever seen in my entire life and he was so nice and sdklfhgsuh he was hott shit, then yeah we left cuz dave was sick and then came home and then left this morning and gary kevin n james stopped by and yeahh