Karma Kisses

Feb 28, 2011 07:49

  • be soft when your impulse is to be hard, generous when your impulse is to be withholding, open when your impulse is to shut down emotionally
  • mental calmness is a very important factor to good health
  • cultivate a diverse group of friends
  • let people pull in front of you in a traffic jam
  • when someone hurts you and you don't react, you are beginning to show wisdom and intelligence
  • bear unhappiness with courage
  • make peace with yourself once and for all
  • make sure you get at least one hug a day
  • don't take life that seriously - it is here to be enjoyed

Instant Karma, Barbara Ann Kipfer
Good morning and Namaste, everyone. You are loved. ~palms together, deep bow~

karma kisses

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