So at the beginning of the summer, my office had a program for its employees called "Active for Life", sponsored and coordinated by the American Cancer Society. Each minute of activity in a day counted for 1 point, and you could accumulate additional points if you did healthy things for yourself like drink X ounces of water, or ate a healthy meal, etc. In the 10 weeks of the program, I set a goal for myself to expend 65 minutes a day, 5 days a week being active in some form or another and ended up losing ten and a half pounds over that period. Fascinating, no? Of course, it also corresponded with some very active weekends (like the all-night hike to explore the ruins of Henryton Sanitarium and the early prep work associated with getting my garden plot up and running, so in the end, I was easily hitting and surpassing my activity goals on a consistent basis.)
the point of that recollection is this: this is how I'm going to approach my fitness program moving forward. I want to be physically active - doing *whatever* for 65 minutes a day, 5 days a week. That would be lifting weights, or walking on the treadmill, or walking around a mall, or playing with kids or cleaning my house in one of my hormonally induced dervishes. Whatever. As long as I'm moving, it "counts".
now, with two tango lessons under my belt, I have the thought that if I customize the time I spend in the gym to focus on the muscle groups that are particularly relevant for that style of dance, I will be able to benefit both my overall conditioning, and perhaps make me a better dancer in the long-term. So, balance and core strength and flexibility and endurance all play a role. Sounds like a perfect prescription for keeping on with yoga. I'd like to get some more donkadonk in my badonkadonk to fill out my dance outfits a bit better, and sculpt down my waist so that I hit that golden ratio that looks so great, but those things are secondary. I still think being bendy and balanced are the things to keep in mind.
so anyway. those are my ramblings for today. I slept a little late this morning and didn't hit the gym until the luxurious hour of 5am, where I walked and lifted and stretched and wotnot for an hour and five minutes - just like I said I was gonna do. I'm all about having a plan and working the plan.
Have a great day kids. Carry on.
PS: The Koreans have left the gym. They're gone. *poof* - nada. This makes me nervous. It feels like an omen.