Whether its a good thing to start one's day with a heavy dose of adrenaline or not, I dunno - but I did. My heart is probably suffering the effects, but hey - there is GIANTMOTHERFUCKINSPIDER that lives outside our front door. We've named her Charlotte, so killing her is no longer an option, even though she builds her web DIRECTLY ACROSS THE FRONT STEP. and I mean it: she's freakin' HYOGE.
oy. So, because I can't kill her, and I didn't want to completely destroy the beautiful, intricate web she made last night, I had to pluck off one of the support "strut" thingies and duck under it while she sat there and gave me the hairy (eightbillion) eyeballs and contemplated how best to kill me with her big drippy fangs. ~ehhhhhhSHUDDERblech~
I really need to put a warning to arachnophobes for this post, don't i? I'm grossing myself out again.
ANYHOO. So, started the day with a huge shot of adrenaline just getting out to the car at 4:30am. That'll wake you up, I tell you whut. Then made it to the gym and onto the weight floor in record time where I put my new workout mix through its paces and knocked the CRAP out of seven minutes of ab crunches before doing a few weight machines (for arms, back and lowerbody) before getting on the treadmill for a nice brisk half hour stroll to my thumpin drum and bass beats.
It wasn't a particularly focused or intense day at the gym, but it felt great to move this body of mine and the effect was coming home at 5:30, taking my life in my hands again by ducking AGAIN under Charlotte's Web, and having mah cuppa joe.
And yes, I made full use of the hand sanitizing gel and wipes available at the gym. The fact that I have a tickle in the back of my throat does not please me. feh. oh HAY! "Jim Bama" was there again! he's the hottie Obama-look alike I was lusting after during my last stint there! and ooOOOooo I think he's swimming now! *wuf* I'd like to see THAT in a pair of trunks, I tell you.
so...to bed early tonight so I can do it again tomorrow. I really do love love love how it feels when I take care of myself and that translates into being more present and available for everyone else. Win WIN, eh? even Charlotte.
okay y'all time to Wakey-Wakey! Happy Hump Day!