Jun 09, 2005 15:52
Yeahh - -
Debate is over! Thank God. I won 8) Yeahh bitchesss.
I miss my math/physics classes :( All the seniors are gone.
I have no homework tonight. This never happens.
It's like 27387389° outside. Gross.
Everyone had shit to say about the shirts today. Faggots.
I had to dress up for 2nd hr. I wanted to shoot myself.
Just one more week.
Hoe. Slut. Skank. Bitch. Whore :)
Jessica and I had a nice long talk at TacoHut today.
I have ACT's saturday morning. I get to wake up nice and early. Cool.
kevin and I went swimming tuesday. it was niiice<3
I'm so worn down. I can't wait till this is over.
Upnorth in less than a month 8) I am so excited.
Summer is going to be a lot of fun, even though I'm missing quite a few grad parties for upnorth :(
I like the talks I have with Renee/Andrea in 5th hr.
Alex cheers me up in 6th hour. HaHa. He's a funny kiid.
I like our '06 class, even though we don't all get along. The shirt thing today made me happy, we all did something together for once.
I'm in a good mood. And I don't know why I'm doing this.
This is one of the shortest entries I've ever written.
I don't know why I care so much about the seniors being gone.
I'm dumb. Because they were all really happy to get out.
I'm going to miss them :( I'm glad I got close w/ some<33 :)
ps. We RuN THis 8)