Joshua Preston is from Bliss Stage. (Bliss Stage is dramatic. Other games are not dramatic. Buy Bliss Stage. Thank you for your cooperation, Citizen Gam-R-RPG
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Well, Naoto herself wields a custom model pistol known as the Naumbu-2, which is the name of a (kind of crappy) semi-automatic .9mm pistol popular during WWII (if I remember that correctly).
On the other hand, if we go with her Persona's weapon of choice, you'd end up with a katana. Yamato-Takeru wields the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, which is a famous sword known as the Grass-Cutting Blade. So, it'd definitely be a masterwork katana, at the very least, if we're talking about military issue here.
I assume if they ever reach Level 4, Josh could end up with some kind of Gunblade, yeah?
Oh god, now I'm thinking of Dante's twin pistols, Ebony and Ivory. Now, if I could just figure out what the words for Light and Dark are in Japanese...
But the dual-wielding swords is also a good concept, too! In fact, I think Naoto's taking an interest in kendo, if only because of her Persona...
On the other hand, if we go with her Persona's weapon of choice, you'd end up with a katana. Yamato-Takeru wields the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, which is a famous sword known as the Grass-Cutting Blade. So, it'd definitely be a masterwork katana, at the very least, if we're talking about military issue here.
I assume if they ever reach Level 4, Josh could end up with some kind of Gunblade, yeah?
Or hell both. Twin swords or pistols. Katana named Light and wakazashi named Darkness.
But the dual-wielding swords is also a good concept, too! In fact, I think Naoto's taking an interest in kendo, if only because of her Persona...
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