Feb 21, 2007 19:11
Because every single person I know talks shit about every single person I know.
It's kinda hard not to be a hater when you surround youself with haters.
Then people want to call me out just because I'll get mad at people to their faces when other people do it in secret??
So then I just go into hiding because I figure the only way to purify myself is to be a hermit and change. Then it all blows up in my face.
I am happiest when I spend the majority of my time alone. The more I spend with people every single day, the more I have to deal with crap every single day. I can't help it if someone else's drama floods my mind all day and all i can think about is how so and so hates this person and what this person did to the other. I'm really not a social person, and I've been denying myself for a long time. Probably why I always drank when I hung out with a group of people.
Apparently everyone has tons of things to say about me behind my back or as it was put 'are too scared to hang out with me' because i'll get mad. Which is cool, that doesn't bother me. I just can't take that i hear 4546 from people about everyone else and then all i see in front of me are 4546 flaws this person has and it makes me wonder why i hang out with someone that is messed up and it makes me mad. But when i look at it, everyone probably has 3578759878 more flaws to go with that, and if I didnt have to hear the shit talking, I'd be fine.
MORAL OF THE STORY: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT WHAT SO AND SO DID TO YOU AND WHY YOU HATE THIS PERSON AND OMG LOOK AT HER HAIR SHE LOOKS LIKE A RAT (LETS LAUGH AT HER) ANYMORE. It's bringing me down. If I surround myself with negativity, I'll be nothing but negative. I'm tired of hearing from my own boyfriend(ex?) how shitty I am.
So hang out with me alone and just talk about normal things or I quit.