We've lived this life and now we have to face our pasts..

Feb 21, 2005 20:57

Behind every person there's a story.  Its weird if just listen to a person they're like books, just crack the surface and they can be read.  I've been wondering for the longest time why people do some of the things they do...And I've figured it out.  Its all out of fear.  We're like animals that are backed into a corner; we lash out and strike anyone in the close vacinity.  I look back on things and I think back to all the times I've been scratched and my inside have been left to flow out onto the floor.  My brain isnt working right now, my thoughts are all jumbled and I dont know what I'm saying, or what I'm thinking.  I feel really tired yet I cant get any sleep. I think I'm gonna go drug myself.
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