Feb 10, 2005 21:57
Yay! My LJ isn't woofin' anymore...yea it used to be woofin' extreme...but thanks to Krissia! it's woof free! So yea I'm trying super hard not to be mad bitter...cause Monday is Valentine's Day and all that jazz and I'm like Valentine-less...eh it's ok what's another year hehe! But yea it's really difficult to not be bitter when we had to wait outside a class in front of the largest Valentine's Day everything sale for like forever and a day! Ohh goodie tomorrow and Monday there's a bake sale... how ever will I manage to supress my joy...something tells me supressing joy isn't something i'll have to be worrying about hehe!
Well anyways school is awesomeness!!! Except we're huge stalkers... but that's ok...everyone loves a stalker...;) hehe! Well we can always use the excuse it's for "potential clients" of the "DMK extreme emo makeover" (how'd my name end up first? - the price you pay for living with ADD...) Me and Moniquey find ways to survive hehe ;)! So yeasomedays the emoness (dudes) is 'wei' too overpowering hehe-those are the good days!!
Ok that's 'wei' more procrastination that i kinda didn't need -now i gotta go finish up my essay... night night
Thanks Krissia!
Countdown to bitter:: 4 days & counting...