Day After Tommorow
Genre: ACT - DRA
Rated: PG13 - intense situations of peril
Running Time: 126
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum
Director: Roland Emmerich
A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. He must get to his young son in New York, which is being taken over by a new ice age.
Deffinetly going to go see this the day it comes out!!!!!!!
So i was googleing about looking for some icons when i came upon, this oh so lovely photo. It was then when my curiousity hit me. I was suddenly, for obvious reasons, thinking about Donnie Darko. From this AMAZING photo, i stubled upon a unknown persons theorie on Donnie Darko, and the actual message, and i was quite intrigued. Here is what it had to say...
Up until yesterday afternoon I was quite ready to believe the 'current' viewpoint that Donnie Darko was all about time travel, portals and the such; however after sitting down with pen and paper at the ready (ok, I'm a DD anorak now!), I decided to try and find the real meaning of this cult classic movie, so here goes, see what you think: Okay, I'm willing to admit, even at this stage, that time travel does play a large part in this film, but rather than stating that this is the main plotline, I prefer to believe that this simply adds to the main issue which is surely the life and journey of Jesus Christ. Now before you all jump on the 'oh no not another Christian bible pusher' bandwagon; I can firmly state I am not so, and am happy with my own life's ideals, so this theory is purely as I find it, based on solid note taking; backed up with meticulous checking of all the film's clues, red herrings and so on....and yes, I did have a bible to hand to check with, but it's my husbands, not mine :0)
My main theory is that God uses the time travel idea to show Donnie (who's name incidentally means 'ruler of the world') he is not alone in this world. I am sure that Donnie is supposed to be Jesus, perhaps as a second coming (was there one in the eighties??) This story almost mirrors that of Jesus, particularly with supposed red herrings such as superhero's, spacemen and aliens; many theorists themselves say that Jesus could have been any one of these and would have been seen as such in biblical times, even as psychiatrically ill (just as some see Donnie when they watch the film now). Also the bible shows a mother and son connection that is played out perfectly in this film, when Donnie asks his mother what she would say if people asked what it felt like to have a wacko for a son, she lovingly brushed his cheek and said, 'I would say it was wonderful. Mary, Jesus' mother, had this same devotion for her son and stood by him to the very last. These are only two incidents which spring to mind, but the film is littered with biblical hints, even the countdown date 28:06:42:12 can be dissected, as in the bible states on the 6th hour, darkness would fall over the whole land.
Other area's of the film also fill in the gaps, read below the long list of pointers given by the writer to prove this point:
Cherita is always seen with Donnie and he even stands by her when his friends call her names. Many a renaissance painting showed chubby angels around Jesus, and lets not forget she even danced to Autumn Angel in the film; perhaps we could suggest she herself is an guardian angel to Donnie.
Another large character in the film is clearly Frank (who dresses up as an Easter Bunny for Halloween- biblical reference) who constantly talks' to Donnie suggesting the way to peace and happiness in life. God is seen as many forms and each one brings a message to his followers in the Christian religion. There are hints aplenty within the Frank/Donnie scenarios, statements such as 'I can show you the way' and when Donnie says 'why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit' and Frank replies by saying 'Why are you wearing that stupid man suit' perhaps suggesting that Frank feels Donnie should know he is Jesus, simply wearing the 'suit' of a human? In the cinema (which if you look closely is playing 'The Last Temptation of Christ), Frank appears to Donnie and removes his mask, I feel Frank is like Judas, he knows what he will betray Jesus/Donnie, and says 'Sorry' to Donnie, I think this is because he knows he will run over Gretchen; however he also knows like Judas that he will have to betray him in order for Donnie to see the truth which will set the world free from what had happened (Jesus died on the cross to save our souls). Incidentally, listen to how many chimes you can hear before Frank shows Donnie the cinema screen (three just like the amount of times the cock crows before Peter also betrays him). Donnie also asks Frank 'when will this will all end?' and Frank answers 'you should already know that', suggesting Frank already feels Donnie should know he is Christ. The next time we see Frank he has run over Gretchen, this is where Donnie utters the Latin words 'dues ex machina' and 'our saviour', this translates into 'a solution for an unsolvable issue', Donnie has finally realised where his destiny lies, his solution is his saviour God, and prepares to make amends, just as Jesus did when he was about to go to the cross.
Combine this with Samantha's writing of the 'The Last Unicorn' and you can begin to see hidden meanings in the film that on first viewing were not meaningful at all. 'The Last Unicorn' is a book which is used as a symbol about temptation and Christ; seeing things in a different light to which they were first perceived. The Unicorn is turned into a beautiful princess when in-fact she is a Unicorn (similar to Frank being a Bunny and Donnie being a human) The Unicorn has often been referred to as 'the apple', that tempted Adam and Eve, in fact the film talks about puberty and sexual temptation quite a lot, even bringing in Grahame Greene's 'The Destructors' to illustrate the point further. Donnie thinks about sex all the time and it is only Gretchen who is not keen. Both these books point out all of Jesus' temptations adequately. 'The Last Unicorn' displays many heroes who are searching for meaning in their lives, just as Donnie does.
We could go on and on, but I don't want you to be falling asleep at this point, because when you really study the film you can clearly see this is all about Christ; even when Donnie talks to his therapist and his teachers about the meaning of life (look out for the 'God is Awesome' t-shirt). Donnie does not want to die alone, and in the end he doesn't, he is with his family, just as Jesus was on the cross. Donnie needed the time travel idea to keep him from believing there was nothing out there for him to go to, however God showed him there was. One of Donnie's last lines is 'I'm going home', I think he is talking about heaven here, he is ready to go back to God. He goes to bed laughing because he realises his selfless act will save more people than just himself, this indeed makes him Christ-like.
Lastly, if you have the DVD with the secret ending on (the Easter egg ending) you will now be certain that this theory must the correct theory. I don't want to give too much away if you haven't seen it, but Donnie is almost in a Christ like pose; also look out for the angel in the bedroom which falls to the right of him and the light bulb above his head which gives out an angelic halo glow. Have I convinced you yet????