Oct 17, 2005 20:37
today was an okay day. not much homework, just studying, which i hate these days because u get home and thinking that you dont have any homework, you dont open your backpack. Then, once you realize you do, have to study for 3 quizzes tomorrow and start 2 projects, you discover that you actually do have quite a lot of stuff to accomplish. Ne ways other than that and all of my interesting thoughts.
Today, at my dads, i get home and my dad was taking the boat out, kind of sadening because im going to miss relaxing out there every once in a while, and happy too because that means winter is coming back and i cant wait to get year 2 of my snowboarding skills started! heck yeahs! hah so excited.
We ate turkey and green beans and stuffing and mashed potatoes and biscuits- like effing huge dinner so im stuffed like a pig right now. aww o0o and apple pie!..!!
Hmm... so tonight was good. doing newspaper projects and i should do pretty damn good on tomorrows picture quiz in anatomy-- easY
Tomorrow, im planning on riding the bus home! YES and then chilling by myself getting my check cashing it with my mom, making puppy chow maybe if i have time. doing more of my 2 newspaper projects, starting my music reviews and articles, sorting through ad's calling different places, doing math homework that im going to have, studying for spanish song quiz, typing and studying for anatomy notes quiz... hmm what else? i cant think of anything, cause im boring myself and am relaly tired im thinking about just going to bed, NOW ! lol at effing 8:30p.m.! SCORE..
And after tomorrow, wednesday should be cool cause richie will be picking me up in the morning! yah and then hanging out with him after school to watch south park season 6! im so happy. I like it a lot that we arent together, its taking a long time to get used to it, but now instead of seeing him everyday and the says i dont seeing him, feeling bad. Now its the days i dont see him is a normal good day, usually and the days that i do see him, are good i love richie days! And hopefully, after high school, if i ever decide to date again in my life, i could possibly get back together. who knows. he'll find someone knew... yeah.
OMG i almost forgot!!! I got crabs!!!! LOL no but really in "our" fish tank, me and richie got 2 crabs, mines a girl named "Susie" and his is a boy with a big sexy claw named "Bob"!! and they mate! and its hot like porn! and i love watching them crawl around and dig and hig and hug each other!!!! I LoVe RiChIe! <3 HAHA