(no subject)

Jan 14, 2005 15:34

1)Starting time: 3:53
2)Full name: Brittney Marie Sipes

3)Nicknames: Britt-- uhm i really dont have nicknames lol

4)School: Century
5) email: lax59britt@aol.com

6)eyes: blue
7)Height: 5'5
8) Siblings: 2 brothers and 1 sister
9) Ever been kissed: yep

10) Ever cheated or been cheated on? no.. i dont think ve been cheated on.
11) Ever missed school because it was raining? uhmm i dont thinkk soo lol
12) Ever faked sick? yea.. i do that pretty good!
13) Kept a secret from everyone? yea
I4) Had an imaginary friend? haha yes!
15) Wanted to hook up with a friend? dont comprehend?
16) Cried during a Flick? lol yea i do a lot
17) Who is your "star crush"? josh Hartnett

18) Ever thought of animated characters was hot? oh yes- of course duh
19) Drink: juice.. or this coffee stuff i love!
20) Candy:sour patch

21) Restaurant: Sakura Japenese steak house
23) Color: PINK!
24) Summer/Winter? summer
25) Online? yea
26) Lace, silk time or satin? silk

27) Like anyone?: yea
28) Who have you known the longest out of your friends: umm probably jessie, because i moved here in 6th grade
29) Who's the shyest? Heather is but only at times
31) Who do you go to for advice? Jessie mostly
32) Who do you get along with? mostly everyone

IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS HAVE U------------
33) Cried: yea
34) Been mean: yes
36) Been sarcastic: yea
37) Been yelled at: yea
38) Talked to someone you have a crush on? yea!!
39) Kissed someone? uhmm.. no
40) Hugged someone: yea
42) Wished upon a star: lol no..
43) Laughed until you've cried: no :/
44) Played Truth or Dare: no
45) Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
46) Went to the beach at night? no
49) Been lonely? yes
50) Been happy? yea
51) Talked to someone online? yea

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN.......------------
52)God/Devil: yea
53) Love: yea
54) The Closet Monster: .. sometimes
56) Heaven/hell: yea
57) Superstitions? i dont know what that is lol
58) Half empty or half full:yea
59) Who named you? my parents? my parents named me after Brittney in alvin and the chipmunks lol
60) Favorite quote: "you miss 100% of the shots u dont take.." gretch
61) When was the last time you showered? this morning
62) what is the last thing u said online? i siad " o ok" lol
63) What is right next to you? uhm im in my comp. room in my house.. so other computers
64) What is your computer desk made of? lol wood
65) What was the last thing that you did? listened to music
66) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? hawaii
67) Where do you want your wedding? on the beach .. so i can have bare feet
68) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? no clue
69) How's the weather? this morning it was awful.. now its good
70) What did you do last night? bball prac
71) Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? well i find it attractive wehn guys arent shy in front of you .. and are outgoing and are self confident but NOT cocky
72) How do YOU eat an Oreo? open the oreo.. like lick the white stuff .. and most of the time i throw away the outside
73) All time favorite TV show: the oc and Dawsons creek
74) Dream car: Pink convertible punch buggy lol
75)What do you want to be when you grow up: i want to work to with people who have disorders.. like a psycologist
76) Favorite radio station: 99.5/97.9/101.1
77)Favorite band: not sure
80) Favorite days of the week? friday
81) Favorite animal? a little dog that u can fit in ur purse
82) Favorite Store? american eagle
83) If you could change your name, what would it be? Lexi
84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? lol yea
85) The stupidest thing you have ever done? i do a lot of stupid things and ask a lot of stupid questions.. yuk
91) on the phone or in person? both
92) Lust or Love: i dunno what lust is so love
93) If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? umm.. not to be so stupid?
94) When's your b-day? Aprl 18, 1990
95) Do you have pets? yea.. 3 dogs, 5 cats, 2 birds,, and more lol
96) Who sent this to you? i got it outta Heathers journal
97) What do you think about this person? Shes hot haha n i heart her lol
98) Your favorite songs? Peaches n cream remix with lil kim and jayz
99) Anything you want to say to everyone? I LOVE YOU ALL :)
100) Do you want your friends to do this survey? sure lol

101) Time Finished: 3:52
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