Jun 14, 2003 02:40
:Name: Tanya
:backwards: aynat
:Does your name mean anything?: It means the Sun
:Were you named after anyone?: nope..
:Nickname(s): Tanzee
:Screen name(s): Stellarsky33
:Date of birth: Sept.16
:Place of birth: Las Vegas, Nevada
:Current location: Biloxi, Mississippi
:Religion: I'm supposed to be Lutheran, but I really don't like religion...it makes me twitch...
:Height: 5'9
:Shoe size: 9-10
:Hair color: blonde
:Eye color: blue/green
:What do you look like?: umm....didn't I already do that for you in the above questions?
:Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: lefty..-sigh- odd one out.....-_- why am I not surprised?
:How old are you mentally?: I don't know.....I would like to say 30's...but I know a lot of people would never believe that...well, atleast Jaime will.....:p
:What are your best qualities: fuck if i have any.
:What are your worst qualities: too many.
Do You Have...
:Any sisters: one
:Any brothers: none
:Any pets: a bird and a cat
:A disease: Not that I know of.
:A pager: no
:A personal phone number: No.
:A leather jacket with studs on it?: pfft, I'm too sexy for a leather jacket with studs on it ;)
:A heroin needle: no, thank you....
:A pool or hot tub: none.
:A Car: I wish.
Do You...
:Believe in yourself?: most of the time....people are starting to bring that down, though...
:Believe in love at first sight?: nope
:Consider yourself a good listener: yes
:Consider yourself a good friend: I don't think so, people keep rejecting me and telling me my faults, so obviously not.
:Get along with your parents: meh..I get along with my mommy most of the time...
:Save your e-mail or conversations: if they are important, yes..
:Pray: if somebody needs praying, or if I really am that desperate..
:Believe in reincarnation: yeah.
:Like to make fun of people: yep. do it all the time.
:Like to talk on the phone: yeah, I guess.
:Like to drive: I'm sure I would if I could
:Get motion sickness: I do on tire swings O_o.
:Eat chicken fingers with a fork: nope.
:Dream in color: semi color...my dreams are usually dim...unless they are about Ryan, for some odd reason, then they seem too real..
:Type with your fingers on home row: yep.
:Sleep with a stuffed animal: yep
What Was/Is (or Are)...
:Right next to you: stuff.
:Your room: right now it's messy cause it's summer and I'm fuckin' lazy as hell.
:On your mouse pad: blueness
:Your dream car: a vw beetle ^_^.
:Your bedtime: right now, notta.
:Under your bed: nothing....my parents(if my door is open) can see right under my bed from the stairs, and they won't let me keep anything under my bed for some odd reason..>:(
:The single most important question: fuck if I know or care.....
:Your bad time of the day: whenever something is going wrong...you 'dun wanna mess with me when I'm pissed/moody/aggravated
:Your worst fear(s): Rejection and spiders....that's about it....other than that I don't usually get "scared"
:The time?: 2:11 A.M.
:The date?: June 14
:The best trick you ever played on someone?: I don't usually play tricks on people, and if I have, I don't remember any of them so they must have not been that good....
:The weirdest food or drink that you like?: uhhh...food and drinks...it's so weird...
:The hardest thing about growing up?: I HATE IMMATURE PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO CAUSE SOOOOOOO MANY PROBLEMS YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................................o_o...........erm........yeah..........
:Your funniest experience: Too many? Sadly, it was probably something with Julia....
:Your scariest moment?: um.....'dun want to talk about it........
:The stupidest thing you've said?: -lmao- way too many...just ask Julia or Dan or somebody who doesn't really like me or whatever....
:The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I guess um one time I took my shirt off in a pool when guys were or around.....
:Craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: I cause boredom for my friends, nothing crazy ever happens while you are with the tanyanator.....
:The worst feeling in the world?: -sigh- Rejection...and hatred
:The best feeling in the world?: Love..
:Number: 9 or 33
:Color: Black or blue
:Day: Saturday.
:Month: iono...September or June or something....
:Song: "stellar" by Incubus and "Imaginary" by Evanescence
:Movie: a lot...but let's just put Lord of the Rings..
:Food: American
:Band: Evanescence
:Sport: Skateboarding.
:Class: English
:Teacher: Mrs. Clark..she is so smart and funny and cool...but quiet at the same time...ahhh.....-dreams of mrs.clark- I'm going to miss her next year :(.
:Drink: Cherry Coke, Pepsi, and sprite
:Veggie: I like corn...and carrots...
:TV Show: Elimidate! -lol-
:Radio Station: I 'dun like the radio....
:Store: um...I don't really have a favorite anymore..
:Animal: Horses.
:Flower: roses
:State: Florida
The Past...
:Last thing you heard: the typeity type type of my keyboard
:Last thing you saw: computer screen!
:Last thing you said: um...probably something like "okay" or "whatever" ....O_o
:Who is the last person you saw?: my dad
:Who is the last person you kissed?: Kyle bo' byle.
:Who is the last person you hugged?: Kyle...
:Who is the last person you fought with?: uuhhh.....I don't really remember....
:Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Kyle.
:What is the last TV show you saw?: I haven't watched t.v. in days, I wouldn't remember....
The Present...
:What are you wearing?: a black long sleeved shirt and a long black skirt.
:What are you doing?: wtf do you call this survey thing?
:Who are you talking to?: Nobody.....everybody went to bed like big fat party poopers.....
:What song are you listening to?: um, nothing....but I wish I was listening to music.....
:Where are you?: in the toilet talking to scum...O_o
:Who are you with?: my mind.
:How are you feeling?: like total shit....but like always, I'll bounce back......what if one day I don't? oooo, too horrible to even think about...-twitch twitch-
The Future...
:What day is it tomorrow?: well, Sunday.....
:What are you going to do after this?: SLEEP LIKE A MOFO.
:Who are you going to talk to?: I'm going to talk to myself, dammit.....
:Where are you going to go?: TO MY BEDROOM YOU NIGGA BITCH ASS HO
:How old will you be when you graduate?: like....17....?
:What do you want to be?: as a profession? I want to be a photographer or like a paranormal researcher(talamasca all the way baby) or I wanna work for the FBI or CIA
:Where will you be in 25 years?: hopefully married, good job, and bunches of little mes running around.
:Do you wear a watch?: I wish.I got a new one and like a week later it breaks....WAL-MART IS SO CHEAP!!! -_-.
:Favorite pants/skirt color?: dark blue
:Most expensive item of clothing?: err.....my vans shoes, I guess...
:Most treasured?: most treasured clothing? um....I don't fuckin' care about my clothes *that* much....
:What kind of shoes do you wear?: converse, vans, my old crusty starters when I 'dun wanna get my vans dirty, and some boots...
:Describe your style in one word: different
:How long does it take you get ready in the mornings: erm, usually like 30 minutes at the least, and that's if I'm too lazy to care...it can take me to an hour to get ready sometimes..
:How many coats and jackets do you own?: like 5, and I hate everyone of them except for my hoodie.
and I'm gladly fuckin' spent