Title: "Just You Wait"
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters/Pairings: Secret for the sake of surprise :P
Rating: K+/PG
Warnings: Slash... kind of.
Word Count: 257
theavatar100: #58: baggage
Salutations, friend.
Let me begin my musings. There are days when all that I desire is the knowledge that someone understands me. No, not just my superficial antics, but rather, the real, true me, deep down on the inside.
Come, friend. Let us reminisce. It is one of my deepest wishes that a certain member of the male gender understands me and sees my affection for him not as a plea for attention, but rather, a plea for a relationship, a deep and understanding one, one deserving of a lifetime of happiness.
However, he returns my advances with nothing but light, playful humor at most. It is most discouraging, particularly when he accuses me of something I did not do. It breaks my heart when he assumes me to be a villain, a being of malevalent nature, for I am not so-I only want his love, a return of my affection.
Is that too much to request?
I see that he is not responding. 'Tis a truly sad matter, but one that I must bear upon my shoulders. He does not even look in my general direction, for which I weep.
Oh, how I want you so... but all you do is carry me in your bag and pet my fur, conversing in the curious sounds that are your human language.
Woe is me. However, I shall prevail. I shall make you see the pain and the suffering that I am going through. I will make you love me.
Just you wait.
Author's Notes: Crack pairings are my true love. XD
- hl